- Tootekood
- PB.5212
- Hind käibemaksuga
- 96,38
Euromex (Holland) kvaliteetsed preparaadid 25 tk plastkarbis.
SH.1001Loose connective tissue, rabbit
SH.1005Hyaline cartilage rabbit, section
SH.1160Lymph node, rabbit, section
SH.1230Small intestine, dog, c.s.
SH.1250 Liver, pig, section
SH.1430Cerebrum section, dog
SZ.1520Paramecium, w.m.
SZ.1625 Schistosoma Japonicum, fluke eggs, bilharziose
SZ.1630Taenia, tapeworm cattle, mature proglottid, w.m.
SZ.1635 Ascaris megalocephala, horse roundworm, female + male, c.s.
SZ.1708 Apis mellifica, honey bee, mouth parts
SZ.1725 Periplaneta, cockroach, mouth parts of chewing type
SZ.1730 Pieres brassicae, cabbage-white butterfly, mouth, w.m
SZ.1750 Periplaneta, cockroach, spiracle of insect, w.m.
SB.2095Monocot/dicot stem, zea mays/pumpkin, c.s.
SB.2105Hibiscus, young stem, c.s.
SB.2110Cucurbita, pumpkin, stem, l.s.
SB.2115Sambucus, elderberry or Morus Alba, mulberry, stem with cork cambium + lenticels, c.s.
SB.2160 Lilium, lily leaf, c.s.
SB.2225Zea mays, corn, corn seed with embryo, l.s.
SB.2235Pirus, pear, stone cells, section
SB.2240 Triticum aestivum, wheat, kernel, l.s.
SB.2305Cyrtomium, holly fern, c.s. of rhizom
SB.2310 Cyrtomium, holly fern, section
SB.2386Oscillatoria, blue-green algae
- 5,12Mikropreparaadid tükikaupa, Euromex
- 31,72Mikroskoobi preparaadid, botaanika
- 36,60Mikroskoobi preparaadid, zooloogia
- 96,38Preparaatide komplekt nr 4
96,3870,00Preparaatide komplekt nr 5- 96,38Preparaatide komplekt nr1
- 96,38Preparaatide komplekt nr3
- 96,38Preparaatide koolikomplekt nr1
- 96,38Preparaatide koolikomplekt nr2