- Tootekood
- PB.5213
- Hind käibemaksuga
- 96,38
Euromex (Holland) kvaliteetsed preparaadid 25 tk plastkarbis.
SH.1006Elastic cartilage, rabbit
SH.1040Smooth muscle, teased preparation, rabbit, l.s.+c.s.
SH.1110 Lung with injected blood vessels, rabbit, c.s.
SH.1130 Artery and vein, rabbit, c.s.
SH.1410 Nerve, rabbit, c.s. and l.s
SZ.1535Euglena virides, a flagellate with eyespot
SZ.1586Hydra, w.m. of tentacles
SZ.1620Schistosoma Japonicum, female, w.m.
SZ.1705Apis mellifica, honey bee, posterior leg, w.m.
SZ.1733Pieres brassicae, cabbage-white butterfly, part of wing
SZ.1738Locusta, grasshopper, mouth parts, w.m.
SZ.1780Insects - four types of legs, honey bee, house fly, house mosquito, spider
SZ.1877Rana sp, frog, blood smea
SB.2011Zea mays, corn root tip with hairs, l.s.
SB.2020Helianthus, sunflower, old root, c.s.
SB.2025Monocot/dicot plant roots, zea mays/helantius, c.s.
SB.2040Solanum tuberosum, potato, starch grains
SB.2075Tilia, lime tree, one year stem, c.s.
SB.2091Hydrilla stem, c.s.
SB.2100 Pelargonium hortorum, geranium, stem c.s.
SB.2337 Mnium, antheridial branch, l.s.
SB.2339Mnium, archegonial branch, l.s.
SB.2373Coprinus, ink caps mushroom, section of pleus
SB.2380Spirogyra sp. in conjugation
SB.24203 types of bacteria, cocci, bacilli, spirelli
- 5,12Mikropreparaadid tükikaupa, Euromex
- 31,72Mikroskoobi preparaadid, botaanika
- 36,60Mikroskoobi preparaadid, zooloogia
- 96,38Preparaatide komplekt nr 4
96,3870,00Preparaatide komplekt nr 5- 96,38Preparaatide komplekt nr1
- 96,38Preparaatide komplekt nr2
- 96,38Preparaatide koolikomplekt nr1
- 96,38Preparaatide koolikomplekt nr2