Mikroskoobi preparaadid
Suletav kaanega. Kümne karbi mõõdud kokku ca 40x30x20cm.
Ettevõtte Euromex (Holland) kvaliteetsed mikroskoobipreparaadid.
Näiteks: Rana sp, frog, blood smear; Blood smear human, Giemsa stained.
Küsige nimekirja!
Plastkarbis 12 preparaati.
1. Three types of muscles, 2. Human skin cut with hair follicles, 3. Human blood smear, 4. Blood, smear, 5. Motor nerve cells with synopsis, 6. Small intestine, 7. Lung alveoli with blood vessels, 8. Stratifies epithelium, 9. Ovary with egg cells, 10. Sperm, smear, 11. Hyaline cartilage, 12. Hard bone.
Euromex (Holland) kvaliteetsed preparaadid 25 tk plastkarbis. Inimese ja imetajate histoloogia.
SH.1060 Tendon l.s. (Dense connetive tissue), dog
SH.1075 Skin section with sweat gland, human
SH.1330 Testis rabbit, c.s
SH.1340 Ovary rabbit with developped eggs
SH.1360 Sperm, human, smear
SH.1490 Retina, rabbit, sec.
SZ.1522 Paramecium conjugation w.m.
SZ.1524 Paramecium in fission, w.m.
SZ.1540 Trachelomonas, a free swimming type euglena
SZ.1585 Hydra with endoderm + ectoderm, c.s.
SZ.1710Apis mellifica - honey bee compound eye, w.m.
SZ.1720 Culex pipiens - house mosquito, larva w.m.
SZ.1724 Giant chromosomes of salivary gland,w.m
SZ.1810 Mya arenaria, clam gill, c.s.
SZ.1860 Lancelet, Section through gonads and gills, c.s.
SB.2015 Ranunculus, buttercup, root c.s.
SB.2076Tilia, lime tree, 1, 2 & 3 year stem, c.s. on one slide
SB.2080 Pinus - pine tree, stem l.s.
SB.2140Triticum, wheat, leaf, c.s.
SB.2150 Monocot/dicot leaves,zea mays/ligustrum lucidum, c.s.
SB.2230Pinus, pine tree, male (cone) globose fruit l.s.
SB.2232 Pinus, pine tree, female (cone) globose fruit l.s.
SB.2315 Fern, prothallium w. young sporophyte w.m.
SB.2320 Cyrtomium, fern, leaf with sporangia
SB.2384 Volvox sp. w.m.
Euromex (Holland) kvaliteetsed preparaadid 25 tk plastkarbis. Botaanika, Zoloogia, Histoloogia.
SH.1043Cardiac muscle, dog, l.s.
SH.1070Squamous epithelium, human, isolated cells from mouth, smear
SH.1315Kidney rat, sec. cortex & medulla
SH.1420Cerebellum section, dog
SH.1450Spinal cord, rabbit, c.s.
SH.1470Taste buds, rabbit, l.s.
SZ.1610Planaria, flat worm, injected intestinal tube, w.m.
SZ.1636Ascaris megalocephala, horse roundworm, mitosis eggs
SZ.1760Ctenocephalus canis, dog flea, w.m.
SZ.1770 Tetranychus, red spider mite, w.m.
SZ.1930Bird, wing and down feather, section
SZ.1940Chicken, embryo 48 hours, sagittal section
SB.2090Hydrilla verticillata, hydrilla stem tip, l.s.
SB.2112 Cucurbita, pumpkin, stem, c.s.
SB.2135Nerium oleander, leaf with sunken stomata, c.s.
SB.2210Lilium, lily, anther with mature pollen, c.s.
SB.2214Lilium, lily, pollen, different stages of meiosis
SB.2220Capsella, shepherds’ purse, ovary w. embryo in pre-cotyledon stadium, l.s.
SB.2222Capsella, shepherds’ purse, ovary w. embryo in cotyledon stadium, l.s.
SB.2234Pinus, pine tree, pollen, w.m.
SB.2330Marchantia, liverworts, thallus with gemma cup, c.s.
SB.2360Saccaromyces sp., yeast, budding, w.m.
SB.2365Penicillium sp., w.m.
SB.2410 Streptococus lactis, milk bacteria, smear
SB.2415Bacillus subtilis, hay bacteria, smear
Euromex (Holland) kvaliteetsed preparaadid 25 tk plastkarbis.
SH.1011 Hard bone grinding, human, section
SH.1045 Skeletal muscle, dog, l.s and c.s.
SH.1072 Skin section through hair follicle, human
SH.1078 Stratified flat epithelium, dog, section
SH.1150 Blood smear human, Giemsa stained
SZ.1510 Amoeba proteus, w.m.
SZ.1580 Hydra with bud, w.m.
SZ.1640Lumbricus - earthworm, c.s.
SZ.1655Daphnia sp., water flea, w.m.
SZ.1715Musca domestica, house fly, mouth parts
SZ.1717Musca domestica, house fly, leg with clinging pads
SZ.1719Musca domestica, house fly, wing w.m
SB.2006 Allium cepa, onion, scale epidermis, w.m.
SB.2009 Allium cepa, onion, mitosis root tip, l.s.
SB.2055 Zea mays, corn, stem, cs.
SB.2060 Triticum aestivum, wheat, stem, c.s.
SB.2070 Helianthus, sunflower, young stem, c.s.
SB.2130 Helianthus, sunflower, leaf, c.s.
SB.2205 Monocot/dicot flower, zea mays/ranunculus, c.s.
SB.2212 Lilium, lily, ovary, c.s.
SB.2335 Mnium, w.m.
SB.2355 Rhizopus nigricans,bread mold, developed sporangia
SB.2377 Diatoms, w.m.
SB.2381 Spirogyra sp., vegetative mass, w.m.
SB.2405 Dental plaque, smear
Euromex (Holland) kvaliteetsed preparaadid 25 tk plastkarbis.
SH.1001Loose connective tissue, rabbit
SH.1005Hyaline cartilage rabbit, section
SH.1160Lymph node, rabbit, section
SH.1230Small intestine, dog, c.s.
SH.1250 Liver, pig, section
SH.1430Cerebrum section, dog
SZ.1520Paramecium, w.m.
SZ.1625 Schistosoma Japonicum, fluke eggs, bilharziose
SZ.1630Taenia, tapeworm cattle, mature proglottid, w.m.
SZ.1635 Ascaris megalocephala, horse roundworm, female + male, c.s.
SZ.1708 Apis mellifica, honey bee, mouth parts
SZ.1725 Periplaneta, cockroach, mouth parts of chewing type
SZ.1730 Pieres brassicae, cabbage-white butterfly, mouth, w.m
SZ.1750 Periplaneta, cockroach, spiracle of insect, w.m.
SB.2095Monocot/dicot stem, zea mays/pumpkin, c.s.
SB.2105Hibiscus, young stem, c.s.
SB.2110Cucurbita, pumpkin, stem, l.s.
SB.2115Sambucus, elderberry or Morus Alba, mulberry, stem with cork cambium + lenticels, c.s.
SB.2160 Lilium, lily leaf, c.s.
SB.2225Zea mays, corn, corn seed with embryo, l.s.
SB.2235Pirus, pear, stone cells, section
SB.2240 Triticum aestivum, wheat, kernel, l.s.
SB.2305Cyrtomium, holly fern, c.s. of rhizom
SB.2310 Cyrtomium, holly fern, section
SB.2386Oscillatoria, blue-green algae
Euromex (Holland) kvaliteetsed preparaadid 25 tk plastkarbis.
SH.1006Elastic cartilage, rabbit
SH.1040Smooth muscle, teased preparation, rabbit, l.s.+c.s.
SH.1110 Lung with injected blood vessels, rabbit, c.s.
SH.1130 Artery and vein, rabbit, c.s.
SH.1410 Nerve, rabbit, c.s. and l.s
SZ.1535Euglena virides, a flagellate with eyespot
SZ.1586Hydra, w.m. of tentacles
SZ.1620Schistosoma Japonicum, female, w.m.
SZ.1705Apis mellifica, honey bee, posterior leg, w.m.
SZ.1733Pieres brassicae, cabbage-white butterfly, part of wing
SZ.1738Locusta, grasshopper, mouth parts, w.m.
SZ.1780Insects - four types of legs, honey bee, house fly, house mosquito, spider
SZ.1877Rana sp, frog, blood smea
SB.2011Zea mays, corn root tip with hairs, l.s.
SB.2020Helianthus, sunflower, old root, c.s.
SB.2025Monocot/dicot plant roots, zea mays/helantius, c.s.
SB.2040Solanum tuberosum, potato, starch grains
SB.2075Tilia, lime tree, one year stem, c.s.
SB.2091Hydrilla stem, c.s.
SB.2100 Pelargonium hortorum, geranium, stem c.s.
SB.2337 Mnium, antheridial branch, l.s.
SB.2339Mnium, archegonial branch, l.s.
SB.2373Coprinus, ink caps mushroom, section of pleus
SB.2380Spirogyra sp. in conjugation
SB.24203 types of bacteria, cocci, bacilli, spirelli
Euromex (Holland) kvaliteetsed preparaadid 23 tk plastkarbis.
SH.1001Loose connective tissue, rabbit
SH.1005Hyaline cartilage rabbit, section
SH.1011Hard bone grinding, human, section
SH.1049Muscle types, striated, smooth, heart muscle, dog, l.s.
SH.1060Tendon, dog, l.s.
SH.1070Squamous epithelium, human, isolated cells from mouth, smear
SH.1072Skin section through hair follicle, human
SH.1078Stratified flat epithelium, dog, section
SH.1120Trachea rabbit, c.s.
SH.1130Artery and vein, rabbit, c.s.
SH.1150Blood smear human, Giemsa stained
SH.1210Stomach wall, dog, section
SH.1230Small intestine, dog, c.s.
SH.1250Liver, pig, section
SH.1310Injected kidney rabbit, sec.
SH.1330Testis rabbit, c.s.
SH.1340Ovary rabbit with developed eggs
SH.1376 Human chromosomes in blood, female
SH.1410Nerve, rabbit, c.s. and l.s.
SH.1430Cerebrum section, dog
SH.1450Spinal cord, rabbit, c.s.
SH.1470Taste buds, rabbit, l.s.
SH.1490Retina, rabbit, sec.
Euromex (Holland) kvaliteetsed preparaadid 23 tk plastkarbis.
SH.1006 Elastic cartilage, rabbit
SH.1012Hard bone grinding of rabbit, tooth, de-calcium
SH.1040Smooth muscle, teased preparation, rabbit, l.s.+c.s.
SH.1043Cardiac muscle, dog, l.s.
SH.1045Skeletal muscle, dog, l.s and c.s.
SH.1075 Skin section with sweat gland, human
SH.1080Ciliated epithelium, trachea, rabbit
SH.1110Lung with injected blood vessels, rabbit, c.s.
SH.1140Pancreas, rabbit, section
SH.1160Lymph node, rabbit, section
SH.1170 Thyroid gland, rabbit, section
SH.1180 Adrenal gland, rabbit, section
SH.1220Oesophagus dog, c.s.
SH.1235Large intestine, dog, c.s.
SH.1260Gall bladder, dog, section
SH.1280Golgi apparatus in Basal spinal ganglion, dog
SH.1315Kidney rat, sec. cortex & medulla
SH.1360Sperm human, smear
SH.1375 Human chromosomes in blood, male
SZ.1724Fruitfly, drosophila, giant chromosomes of salivary gland, w.m.
SH.1415Motor nerve cells with end plates, rabbit, w.m.
SH.1420Cerebellum section, dog
SH.1480Eyeball section, rabbit, sagittal section
Plastkohver mõõtudega 31x23x5 cm sisaldab:
- luup 50mm,
- Pasteur pipett 3 ml,
- pintsetid,
- prepareerimisnõel,
- skalpell koos viie teraga,
- Petri tass 60mm,
- alusklaasid,
- katteklaasid.
- petri tass,
- Drigalski klaasspaatel,
- süstal 20ml,
- katte- ja alusklaasid,
- Pasteur pipett,
- Eppendorfi katsuti,
- klaaspipett,
- prepareerimisnõel,
- käärid,
- pintsetid,
- skalpell vahetatava teraga,
- plastkarp kaanega.
Komplektis 10 värvi à 25ml:
- Azokarmiin
- Eosin
- Hematoxylin
- Astrasinine
- Orange G
- Safranin
- Metüleensinine
- Aniliinsinine
- Fuksiin
- Entellaan
Ettevõtte Euromex (Holland) kvaliteetsed mikroskoobipreparaadid.
Näiteks: Rana sp, frog, blood smear; Blood smear human, Giemsa stained.
Küsige nimekirja!
Plastkarbis 12 preparaati.
1. Three types of muscles, 2. Human skin cut with hair follicles, 3. Human blood smear, 4. Blood, smear, 5. Motor nerve cells with synopsis, 6. Small intestine, 7. Lung alveoli with blood vessels, 8. Stratifies epithelium, 9. Ovary with egg cells, 10. Sperm, smear, 11. Hyaline cartilage, 12. Hard bone.
Euromex (Holland) kvaliteetsed preparaadid 25 tk plastkarbis. Inimese ja imetajate histoloogia.
SH.1060 Tendon l.s. (Dense connetive tissue), dog
SH.1075 Skin section with sweat gland, human
SH.1330 Testis rabbit, c.s
SH.1340 Ovary rabbit with developped eggs
SH.1360 Sperm, human, smear
SH.1490 Retina, rabbit, sec.
SZ.1522 Paramecium conjugation w.m.
SZ.1524 Paramecium in fission, w.m.
SZ.1540 Trachelomonas, a free swimming type euglena
SZ.1585 Hydra with endoderm + ectoderm, c.s.
SZ.1710Apis mellifica - honey bee compound eye, w.m.
SZ.1720 Culex pipiens - house mosquito, larva w.m.
SZ.1724 Giant chromosomes of salivary gland,w.m
SZ.1810 Mya arenaria, clam gill, c.s.
SZ.1860 Lancelet, Section through gonads and gills, c.s.
SB.2015 Ranunculus, buttercup, root c.s.
SB.2076Tilia, lime tree, 1, 2 & 3 year stem, c.s. on one slide
SB.2080 Pinus - pine tree, stem l.s.
SB.2140Triticum, wheat, leaf, c.s.
SB.2150 Monocot/dicot leaves,zea mays/ligustrum lucidum, c.s.
SB.2230Pinus, pine tree, male (cone) globose fruit l.s.
SB.2232 Pinus, pine tree, female (cone) globose fruit l.s.
SB.2315 Fern, prothallium w. young sporophyte w.m.
SB.2320 Cyrtomium, fern, leaf with sporangia
SB.2384 Volvox sp. w.m.
Euromex (Holland) kvaliteetsed preparaadid 25 tk plastkarbis. Botaanika, Zoloogia, Histoloogia.
SH.1043Cardiac muscle, dog, l.s.
SH.1070Squamous epithelium, human, isolated cells from mouth, smear
SH.1315Kidney rat, sec. cortex & medulla
SH.1420Cerebellum section, dog
SH.1450Spinal cord, rabbit, c.s.
SH.1470Taste buds, rabbit, l.s.
SZ.1610Planaria, flat worm, injected intestinal tube, w.m.
SZ.1636Ascaris megalocephala, horse roundworm, mitosis eggs
SZ.1760Ctenocephalus canis, dog flea, w.m.
SZ.1770 Tetranychus, red spider mite, w.m.
SZ.1930Bird, wing and down feather, section
SZ.1940Chicken, embryo 48 hours, sagittal section
SB.2090Hydrilla verticillata, hydrilla stem tip, l.s.
SB.2112 Cucurbita, pumpkin, stem, c.s.
SB.2135Nerium oleander, leaf with sunken stomata, c.s.
SB.2210Lilium, lily, anther with mature pollen, c.s.
SB.2214Lilium, lily, pollen, different stages of meiosis
SB.2220Capsella, shepherds’ purse, ovary w. embryo in pre-cotyledon stadium, l.s.
SB.2222Capsella, shepherds’ purse, ovary w. embryo in cotyledon stadium, l.s.
SB.2234Pinus, pine tree, pollen, w.m.
SB.2330Marchantia, liverworts, thallus with gemma cup, c.s.
SB.2360Saccaromyces sp., yeast, budding, w.m.
SB.2365Penicillium sp., w.m.
SB.2410 Streptococus lactis, milk bacteria, smear
SB.2415Bacillus subtilis, hay bacteria, smear
Euromex (Holland) kvaliteetsed preparaadid 25 tk plastkarbis.
SH.1011 Hard bone grinding, human, section
SH.1045 Skeletal muscle, dog, l.s and c.s.
SH.1072 Skin section through hair follicle, human
SH.1078 Stratified flat epithelium, dog, section
SH.1150 Blood smear human, Giemsa stained
SZ.1510 Amoeba proteus, w.m.
SZ.1580 Hydra with bud, w.m.
SZ.1640Lumbricus - earthworm, c.s.
SZ.1655Daphnia sp., water flea, w.m.
SZ.1715Musca domestica, house fly, mouth parts
SZ.1717Musca domestica, house fly, leg with clinging pads
SZ.1719Musca domestica, house fly, wing w.m
SB.2006 Allium cepa, onion, scale epidermis, w.m.
SB.2009 Allium cepa, onion, mitosis root tip, l.s.
SB.2055 Zea mays, corn, stem, cs.
SB.2060 Triticum aestivum, wheat, stem, c.s.
SB.2070 Helianthus, sunflower, young stem, c.s.
SB.2130 Helianthus, sunflower, leaf, c.s.
SB.2205 Monocot/dicot flower, zea mays/ranunculus, c.s.
SB.2212 Lilium, lily, ovary, c.s.
SB.2335 Mnium, w.m.
SB.2355 Rhizopus nigricans,bread mold, developed sporangia
SB.2377 Diatoms, w.m.
SB.2381 Spirogyra sp., vegetative mass, w.m.
SB.2405 Dental plaque, smear
Euromex (Holland) kvaliteetsed preparaadid 25 tk plastkarbis.
SH.1001Loose connective tissue, rabbit
SH.1005Hyaline cartilage rabbit, section
SH.1160Lymph node, rabbit, section
SH.1230Small intestine, dog, c.s.
SH.1250 Liver, pig, section
SH.1430Cerebrum section, dog
SZ.1520Paramecium, w.m.
SZ.1625 Schistosoma Japonicum, fluke eggs, bilharziose
SZ.1630Taenia, tapeworm cattle, mature proglottid, w.m.
SZ.1635 Ascaris megalocephala, horse roundworm, female + male, c.s.
SZ.1708 Apis mellifica, honey bee, mouth parts
SZ.1725 Periplaneta, cockroach, mouth parts of chewing type
SZ.1730 Pieres brassicae, cabbage-white butterfly, mouth, w.m
SZ.1750 Periplaneta, cockroach, spiracle of insect, w.m.
SB.2095Monocot/dicot stem, zea mays/pumpkin, c.s.
SB.2105Hibiscus, young stem, c.s.
SB.2110Cucurbita, pumpkin, stem, l.s.
SB.2115Sambucus, elderberry or Morus Alba, mulberry, stem with cork cambium + lenticels, c.s.
SB.2160 Lilium, lily leaf, c.s.
SB.2225Zea mays, corn, corn seed with embryo, l.s.
SB.2235Pirus, pear, stone cells, section
SB.2240 Triticum aestivum, wheat, kernel, l.s.
SB.2305Cyrtomium, holly fern, c.s. of rhizom
SB.2310 Cyrtomium, holly fern, section
SB.2386Oscillatoria, blue-green algae
Euromex (Holland) kvaliteetsed preparaadid 25 tk plastkarbis.
SH.1006Elastic cartilage, rabbit
SH.1040Smooth muscle, teased preparation, rabbit, l.s.+c.s.
SH.1110 Lung with injected blood vessels, rabbit, c.s.
SH.1130 Artery and vein, rabbit, c.s.
SH.1410 Nerve, rabbit, c.s. and l.s
SZ.1535Euglena virides, a flagellate with eyespot
SZ.1586Hydra, w.m. of tentacles
SZ.1620Schistosoma Japonicum, female, w.m.
SZ.1705Apis mellifica, honey bee, posterior leg, w.m.
SZ.1733Pieres brassicae, cabbage-white butterfly, part of wing
SZ.1738Locusta, grasshopper, mouth parts, w.m.
SZ.1780Insects - four types of legs, honey bee, house fly, house mosquito, spider
SZ.1877Rana sp, frog, blood smea
SB.2011Zea mays, corn root tip with hairs, l.s.
SB.2020Helianthus, sunflower, old root, c.s.
SB.2025Monocot/dicot plant roots, zea mays/helantius, c.s.
SB.2040Solanum tuberosum, potato, starch grains
SB.2075Tilia, lime tree, one year stem, c.s.
SB.2091Hydrilla stem, c.s.
SB.2100 Pelargonium hortorum, geranium, stem c.s.
SB.2337 Mnium, antheridial branch, l.s.
SB.2339Mnium, archegonial branch, l.s.
SB.2373Coprinus, ink caps mushroom, section of pleus
SB.2380Spirogyra sp. in conjugation
SB.24203 types of bacteria, cocci, bacilli, spirelli
Euromex (Holland) kvaliteetsed preparaadid 23 tk plastkarbis.
SH.1001Loose connective tissue, rabbit
SH.1005Hyaline cartilage rabbit, section
SH.1011Hard bone grinding, human, section
SH.1049Muscle types, striated, smooth, heart muscle, dog, l.s.
SH.1060Tendon, dog, l.s.
SH.1070Squamous epithelium, human, isolated cells from mouth, smear
SH.1072Skin section through hair follicle, human
SH.1078Stratified flat epithelium, dog, section
SH.1120Trachea rabbit, c.s.
SH.1130Artery and vein, rabbit, c.s.
SH.1150Blood smear human, Giemsa stained
SH.1210Stomach wall, dog, section
SH.1230Small intestine, dog, c.s.
SH.1250Liver, pig, section
SH.1310Injected kidney rabbit, sec.
SH.1330Testis rabbit, c.s.
SH.1340Ovary rabbit with developed eggs
SH.1376 Human chromosomes in blood, female
SH.1410Nerve, rabbit, c.s. and l.s.
SH.1430Cerebrum section, dog
SH.1450Spinal cord, rabbit, c.s.
SH.1470Taste buds, rabbit, l.s.
SH.1490Retina, rabbit, sec.
Euromex (Holland) kvaliteetsed preparaadid 23 tk plastkarbis.
SH.1006 Elastic cartilage, rabbit
SH.1012Hard bone grinding of rabbit, tooth, de-calcium
SH.1040Smooth muscle, teased preparation, rabbit, l.s.+c.s.
SH.1043Cardiac muscle, dog, l.s.
SH.1045Skeletal muscle, dog, l.s and c.s.
SH.1075 Skin section with sweat gland, human
SH.1080Ciliated epithelium, trachea, rabbit
SH.1110Lung with injected blood vessels, rabbit, c.s.
SH.1140Pancreas, rabbit, section
SH.1160Lymph node, rabbit, section
SH.1170 Thyroid gland, rabbit, section
SH.1180 Adrenal gland, rabbit, section
SH.1220Oesophagus dog, c.s.
SH.1235Large intestine, dog, c.s.
SH.1260Gall bladder, dog, section
SH.1280Golgi apparatus in Basal spinal ganglion, dog
SH.1315Kidney rat, sec. cortex & medulla
SH.1360Sperm human, smear
SH.1375 Human chromosomes in blood, male
SZ.1724Fruitfly, drosophila, giant chromosomes of salivary gland, w.m.
SH.1415Motor nerve cells with end plates, rabbit, w.m.
SH.1420Cerebellum section, dog
SH.1480Eyeball section, rabbit, sagittal section
Plastkohver mõõtudega 31x23x5 cm sisaldab:
- luup 50mm,
- Pasteur pipett 3 ml,
- pintsetid,
- prepareerimisnõel,
- skalpell koos viie teraga,
- Petri tass 60mm,
- alusklaasid,
- katteklaasid.
- petri tass,
- Drigalski klaasspaatel,
- süstal 20ml,
- katte- ja alusklaasid,
- Pasteur pipett,
- Eppendorfi katsuti,
- klaaspipett,
- prepareerimisnõel,
- käärid,
- pintsetid,
- skalpell vahetatava teraga,
- plastkarp kaanega.
Komplektis 10 värvi à 25ml:
- Azokarmiin
- Eosin
- Hematoxylin
- Astrasinine
- Orange G
- Safranin
- Metüleensinine
- Aniliinsinine
- Fuksiin
- Entellaan